Flying Lotus - Reset EP


Flying Lotus is a hip-hop producer and beat maker, occasionally linked to artists such as Madlib and fellow L.A. resident the Gaslamp Killer for his more abstract and sometimes jazz tinted style. Flying Lotus, often abbreviated to FlyLo, is currently signed to Warp Records, although he released his first album, 1983 on Plug Research Records, the label to which he belonged from 2006-2007. His June 2008 release L.A., with cover art designed by Timothy Saccenti, was released to positive critical reviews, including a profile boosting yet divisive 8.5/10 from Pitchfork media. As well as serious album work, remixes and production for artists such as Oddisee and John Robinson, FlyLo is also responsible for many of the musical loops heard during the ‘bumps’ on Adult Swim, as well as being a casual filmmaker.

01. Tea-Leaf Dancers feat. Andreya Triana
02. Vegas Collie
03. Massage Situation
04. Spicy Sammich
05. Bonus Beat
06. Dance Floor Stalker




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