Kan Kick - Beautiful: Opus of LOVE, Deeper Than Flesh Vol.1 / Vol. 2

Kankick has made a name for himself in the West Coast hip-hop scene alongside fellow Oxnard natives Madlib and Oh No, crafting laid back, smoky instrumentals, occasionally releasing an album with guest spots such as, "From Artz Unknown", in 2001.
"Beautiful: Opus of Love Deeper Than Flesh" continues Kankick's tradition of low-key loops and fuzzed-out jazziness. "Thursdays at the Good Life" rocks a lounge piano and background bells, "Black Women Candle Wax" uses a little static to augment the simple synth melody, and a river of bubbling crowd noise percolates under the mellow loop that powers "Continued Togetherness."
Piano figures heavy on "Beautiful," and some of Kankick's best work throughout the disc's 58 minutes is anchored on lilting, mid-range keywork ("NightTime Beauty," "Serenade the Outdoor Visitors," and what kind of sounds like an electric piano played in reverse on "OX Coming at Ya").
If you're looking to get your party started, "Opus of Love Deeper Than Flesh" might not be quite the right vehicle. But once the party's winding down, and you and your people are just settling in during the late night hours, it's the perfect accompaniment for slowly nodding your head and drifting into a daze on the couch.
01. The Bomb Butterfly
02. Thursdays At The Good Life
03. Herb Honey
04. Black Women Candle Wax
05. This Is A World Export
06. Continued Togetherness
07. Pop Tunes, Morning Paper
08. Don’t Lock My Heart Away
09. Shrooming Birds Morning Song
10. Night Time Beauty
11. Serenade The Outdoor Visitors
12. C’Mon Love, Let’s Dance
13. Take My Hand
14. Warped Dayz
15. O.X. Coming At Ya
16. I’m Going to Take U Out To Dinner
17. Can’t Escape Space (Love Quakes)
18. Enter The Inside (Yeah)
19. The Revelations Of Sadness
20. Westwinds Of Truism (For Otis)
21. The Tribes Chant
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