Arrested Development - La La La x Bloody (Videos)
From the album, "Strong" - This is a light hearted song filled with incredible energy and Arrested Development flair. Live in concert, this song gets the crowd fired up! Incredible vocals by Tasha and an awesome verse by Speech, during a time when he was sick with a cold. It brought a quality to his voice that was captured on this song only! 1 Love and Ras also shine on this song. Another proud gem from Vagabond Records and Tapes.
The song "Bloody" is a poignant essay on the music industries power or lack of when it comes to world events. During the 90's, rap as it does even today had a powerful voice and a chance to bring issues of genocide in the Congo and death on US streets to light, but instead talked about bling and thongs. Meanwhile rappers were literally getting blown away and record companies were reaping the monetary benefits. Speech's lyrics come from his heart as a man who wants to see hip hop live up to it's full potential.
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