14KT x Strange Fruit Project - Hello/Nostalgia

14KT's inspiration for "Hello" and the story behind SFP's "Nostalgia":
"Around July of 06”, I was in a record store digging and i discovered a copy of the best of Jackson 5 Picture Disc Vinyl. I’m a MJ fan so I immediately copped it. That night I went home & was listening to it for the next couple days. A few days after i bought it, my homey Ro (Octane/Burn Rubber Store)’s firstborn daughter was born. I happen to be in the lab when I found out and wanted to make a “donut” for him & his daughter. The first line I heard in my head was little MJ singing “When She says hello to the woooorld”, so I flipped that and sent it to Ro. I think I remember Ro telling me his daughter would always cry, but when he played her that joint, she would stop crying! ha. I always held on to this joint as a memory. Several months after, my homey DJ Graffiti was working on a project & he sent this joint to Strange Fruit Project (Much Love!). They ended up lacing a joint called “Nostalgia” to it. It was never officially finished, but you can hear the first rough version of the song. Crazy how things & ideas come together aint it??"
Download: 14KT - "Hello"

Download: Strange Fruit Project - "Nostalgia"


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